Beletra Almanako – international literary magazine in Esperanto

Beletra Almanko, a literary magazine in the international planned language Esperanto, was founded in 2007. It publishes prose, poetry and essays written origininally in Esperanto or translated from ethnic languages into Esperanto. In addition, the illustrated magazine publishes book reviews and interviews.

It is published three times per year; each issue has between 130 and 176 pages. ISSN: 1937-3325.

The team of editors of Beletra Almanako consists of István Ertl (Luxembourg), Suso Moinhos (Spain), Anina Stecay (Germany), Probal Dasgupta (India), Jesper Lykke Jacobsen (France), and Nicola Ruggiero (Italy).

Beletra Almanako is distributed by Ingram Book Company, a major distributor in the United States, distributing to almost 40,000 retailers, libraries, schools and universities worldwide.

Beletra Almanako is also part of Ingram's GLOBAL CONNECT PROGRAM, which allows it to be printed by Ingram's printer partners in Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, China, Spain, and South Korea. The printers will print the books that are sold by bookstores located in those countries. This saves overseas shipping charges.

Finally, Beletra Almanako is also part of the worldwide ESPRESSO BOOK MACHINE (EBM) system. This is a network of POD machines located in the US, UK, Canada, Europe and Asia that are often located within bookstores and libraries. These machines can print and bind Beletra Almanako on site within a few minutes. Please visit for more information or to view a list of the locations for these machines in the US, UK, Canada, Europe and Asia.


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